Sunday, September 13, 2009

Birthday Boy!!!

Yesterday Dakota had his first REAL bday party!!! What a joy to watch him share his presents and the insanity of the play afterwards! Our friends the Palmers invited us to have a double Bday party. Their daughter Madison turned 2. Dakota turned 4! Hard to believe that it's been that long. Our thoughts turned towards Bill often and how he would've loved to see the beeming smiles on the kids faces. Was a great time to feel the closeness of friendship and the joy of unity.

If you ever find a toy that you think is the perfect gift for your child, you should probably buy it then and hide it. We had such an incident but we didn't buy it. So, when we went to go buy it....... it was gone. Foowee! After an hour of searching we found a viable alternative to the original solution. Which didn't end up too bad, 8 construction vehicles, with a back hoe loader digger to boot (thats Scoop to any of those with kids)!! Also, 2 dinosaurs the size of small dogs, a very cool book about ocean animals, three books on Thomas the train, a remote controlled JEEP, and thats only this party! We will be having a party with the family sometime soon. Maybe next weekend. Will have to see about the schedule. The best birthday present Dakota has recieved is that of his Uncle Toby coming to town. If you could've seen the enormous smile on his face when Toby came through the door. It would melt hearts.

And of course what would be a bday without your younger sibling (right Bryan?) Such a CUTEY!! Where's that shotgun?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cancer, Joy!

Well, the passed 3 weeks have been tough on us. One of our good friends went to the doctor three wednesdays ago cause he felt terrible. The doc said he had cancer. He had it ALL OVER his body. He gave him 2 months to live and he lasted a week. No, he lasted 5 years but didn't know about it but for this week. We spent his last hours with him and his family at their house doing what we could to provide our support. Needless to say it is still hard to type this entry. He was the type of guy who would welcome a stray dog even if that stray dog bit him on the hand. He always had an open hand and would help even if he had things going on. He made sure that everyone was provided for before he was and that his grandkids had the world. We had a potluck party for him on Sunday and we practically blocked the street with cars of people. We shared all our stories of him and had a great time in his rememberance.

So, please take you health seriously!!!! If you don't agree with the things I try to tell you about health...fine. Just go to someone you will listen to and find out some REAL healing techniques. I'm not saying that what works for me will work for you. However, I know of things that SCIENTIFICALLY work that aren't in the mainstream light as of yet.

-Juice Plus+ will not cure cancer. But it will help your immune system build. It will help protect DNA. It will deliver phytonutrients absorbed by the body. It reduces oxidative stress. It will decrease your chances of myocardial infarctions. It helps reduce free radicals and lipid peroxides. This is all PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY through independant research. And there is much much more., Official Juice Plus+® YouTube Channel
-A Vitamix blender will help you absorb your foods much better where as it breaks things down to a cellular level. And it will fill your stomach full of fruits and veggies rather than chips and salsa (my favorite.)
-MMS is a powerful solution that is helping people rid themselves of disease and illness; including AIDS, cancer,malaria, hepatitis, TB, herpes A B & C, etc. This is so powerful people are starting to have lives again!!
-AIM program is a program that balances the subtle energy fields of your energetic matrix helping you to heal illness and disease through your own conciousness.
-EFT stimulates body meridians much like acupuncture only using fingers instead of needles.

-Ionized Water is simply water that has been ionized in order to seperate toxins from water. There is alot of bad infomation on the internet. If you search long and hard enough you eventually see through the BS. There is no doubt that an alkaline body makes it harder for disease to progress. Whether it's through eating whole fresh raw vegetables or through drinking ionized water the benefits are the same.
-Colloidal Silver is simply silver that has been suspended in water. The silver makes it hard for disease to function. I have no experience with this product but have done some research on it and feel that it is a viable option for health. The long and the short is that I don't think I can afford it at this time but definately will sometime in the future.

Most of the things I've listed are not meant to be a quick fix. It took many many years for our bodies to form disease. How can we think that one little pill will cure us over night? I'm so enpassioned about health because watching some one heal is one of the best gifts you could ever give. Not only for the person you're helping but for yourself as well. I hope none of you ever experience the pain of knowing something could save someone's life but not being able to have those people comprehend the solution. We are so blinded by societal beliefs that doctors ALWAYS know best. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. Doctors are given on average 1 semester of nutrition education. How can we expect them to make wise decisions about our bodies when they don't know our bodies and how all its' systems work? They are a great resource for a quick fix but lasting health can only come through our mouth, from ourselves. We must decide if we want a healthy lifestyle.
"If your lifestyle does not control your body—eventually your body will control your lifestyle...the choice is yours!" Ern Baxter
Some solutions are easy, some aren't. How willing are you to fight for life?
I hope everyone is happy and healthy and that they never experience cancer in any way!
Thank You Bill for always listening to our "quackery". You will be missed!
Laugh! Love! Live!